May 22nd, 2013: California Clapper Rail Project

       Last year, in one of my junior classes, we were given the guidelines to make a project, of artistic creativity, incorporating history/ geography & economics/sociology. We also had to pick a theme, and my group picked the degradation of the environment and nature. After many days of pondering, I came up with the idea of making this project about the California Clapper Rail, a state threatened subspecies of the Clapper Rail, found solely in the San Francisco Bay Area. This species's range used to extend up  north to Humboldt county. However, this species suffered a dramatic population loss, starting in the mid-nineteenth century, with the California Gold Rush. To make this picture, I interviewed an esteemed birder in San Francisco named Dominik Mosur, who made the great discovery, that you'll learn about by watching this mini-flick, that inspired me to make this project about the Clapper Rail. I also ventured out and attempted to capture this reclusive species in the wild. I thought this task would have me pulling my hairs out, but I succeeded in getting footage relatively quickly, and at astounding proximity. Thanks to my editing-master and my best friend Benjamin Bellman, we made this video. Enjoy!

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